You, Me and Biodiversity – Wombat Forestcare

Each year, Wombat Forestcare presents ‘You, Me and Biodiversity’ – a series of lectures or workshops to explore biodiversity in our local setting, how we are all part of a dynamic circle of life and what participants can do to enhance biodiversity. The workshops emphasise how participants can become more connected with their environment in their minds, in their homes and in the forest. It is hoped people will come away with practical knowledge, a heightened sense of empowerment and wonder at this complex, teaming environment we live in.
Wombat Forestcare’s ‘You, Me and Biodiversity’ program is pleased to have two speakers share their knowledge and experience on koala habitat mapping and monitoring, Jackson Cass from Moorabool Landcare and Dave Mitchell from the Australian Koala Foundation on Saturday 29 July 2023, 2.00 to 3.30pm at the Trentham Neighbourhood Centre, Trentham.
Jackson will talk about a joint project with the CSIRO, the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners, and the local community as part of the National Koala Monitoring Project. Through this collaborative approach the aim is to fill knowledge gaps for future koala recovery and management efforts.
Dave Mitchell is a landscape ecologist and well known for his work in mapping koala habitat across Australia. He is currently completing his PhD on this topic at RMIT. He will share with us some of the mapping work occurring locally and in Victoria.
Wombat Forestcare would like to invite you to be part of these efforts and ask you to begin or continue koala monitoring!