A Walk & Talk with Annemaree Docking of Plan it Rural – June 11 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (Kyneton)

The first half of the day will introduce the concept of agroecology and regenerative agriculture. It will explore how these holistic approaches can create integrated land management systems with positive soil health, carbon sequestration and biodiversity outcomes reducing climatic impact, erosion and water management. It will introduce a systems thinking approach to farm management.
After a quick break for lunch, the farm walk will consider the practical application of concepts discussed in the first half of the day by looking at a working farm that has integrated regenerative and agroecological methodologies into its day-to-day farm management systems, and how these approaches have positively influenced farm productivity and profitability, as well as contributed to greater biodiversity and climate resilience outcomes for the farm and broader catchment.
Annemaree Docking is an Agricultural Scientist, Permaculture Designer, Farmer and advocate for the natural environment.
She started her career in the private agricultural sector working in a range of enterprises including beef cattle, merino fine wool production, dairy, Thoroughbred breeding and viticulture. Annemaree then spent three years with the Department of Primary Industries (Biosecurity Victoria and the Meat and Wool Industry Development) before moving to local government on the peri-urban fringe of Melbourne, where she designed engagement programs and offered landholders environmental and agricultural support for the past over 10 years.
Annemaree is now a Director Consultant with Plan-it Rural in partnership with Linda Martin-Chew, where they join their more than 40 years combined industry experience to work with landholders and policy makers to support innovative farming and food systems in the peri-urban space. She also farms nineteen hectares near Kilmore – Dalhousie Farm as a co-farm producing primarily eggs, beef and vegetables. Annemaree is completing her PhD researching regenerative agriculture systems with Deakin University’s Centre for Regional and Rural Futures.
Please email UCLN Landcare Facilitator at ucln@uppercampaspelandcare.org.au or phone 0432 491 789. The Kyneton address will be provided on registration.
This event is funded by the NRM Drought Resilience Program – Grants. The grants support projects that contribute to improved drought resilience of agricultural landscapes through experimentation in NRM practices, systems and approaches that go beyond current best practice.
This event forms part of the Upper Campaspe Landcare Network’s NRM Drought Resilience Grant project – Empowering an informed and engaged community to allow for the creation of connecting pollinator corridors through the Upper Campaspe Catchment to ensure environmental resilience and improved functionality of drought threatened agricultural landscapes.