During Pollinator Week – 8th to 15th November 2020 – the UCLN will be bringing you a series of short videos with ideas on how to attract native pollinators to your garden. Join us each day, for a new video presented by a member of the UCLN Committee!
Pollinator populations in Australia are declining as their habitat shrinks. You can help our smaller insect pollinators find a place to nest by setting up a Bug Mug in your garden!
While Bug Mug’s are unbelievably simple to make, they do require the same maintenance that a larger Bee or Insect Hotel would require. Clean out your nesting material (bamboo in this case) regularly, and keep an eye out for moisture and mould, and most importantly – predatory insects such as European wasps!
Most of the species that use your Bug Mug will be solitary or semi-social. Solitary pollinators live in individual nests in small holes or in the ground, while semi-social pollinators live together in small groups.
While these guys won’t produce honey, they are amazing to watch as they flit around and will help pollinate your veggie patch and garden and contribute to biodiversity and the wider ecosystem!